About + FAQ

Key features

Gromco is a thought-streaming platform. Just hit record and start thinking… aloud!


Post anything that's on your mind. This could be a question for the world.


What do others think? Browse and listen to their audio posts.

Overall idea

Gromco is a platform for recording your thoughts and questions, as well as for following and responding to the thoughts and questions of others. Messages (posts and comments) can be in audio, video, or text. You can think of Gromco as a platform for interactive, asynchronous micro-podcasting. We prefer the term "thought streaming."


Comment on any thought (post) and offer your perspective.


You can export your posts in RSS. The resulting feed can be submitted to any podcast aggregator (Apple, Spotify, etc).

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Gromco different from podcasting?

Gromco is both similar to and compatible with podcasting. Your content can be syndicated to (and thus, played through) Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and literally hundreds of other podcast players.

The main differences are that Gromco:

I created my first post! What do I need to start syndicating to podcast players?

The main requirement by Apple (and others) is the cover image. It has to be a high-resolution image, 3000 x 3000 pixels in size. Let us know if you’re having trouble creating one.

In addition, although these can be initially filled with in placeholders, it would be great if you came up with your podcast’s name (title) and description. All these parameters have to be entered on the form where your RSS syndication is set up.

What is RSS?

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” It is a standard for syndicating blog and podcast content established in the early 2000s. All true podcast players (i.e. those that play open, non-exclusive shows) ingest feeds in this format. Your Gromco content can therefore be playable in hundreds of podcast apps, the most important of which are Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

In practical terms, an RSS file is a simple (text) file containing XML markup, informing the consuming app of the episodes in your podcast and where the audio/video files are stored. Although it is created to be read by programs, it can usually be read by humans as well.

As soon as you make your first post, Gromco will generate an RSS feed for you. You can then submit it to the platform(s) of your choice (e.g. Apple or Spotify) for syndication. This is a one-time step: you don’t need to repeat it for new episodes.

Do I need to resubmit my RSS to Apple and others every time I record a post?

No. Once your RSS feed is generated and accepted, podcast players and directories (Apple, Spotify, YouTube Music, and hundreds of others) will start ingesting your content automatically. There is no need to resubmit anything.

Getting into these directories and apps requires a one-time step of submitting your Gromco feed to them. For this, Apple and Spotify require that you create a "podcaster" account with them and submit the feed manually. Most other players will actually discover your podcast automatically. See also the question on syndicating your content.

Who made Gromco?

Gromco is a startup within a startup. The mothership is a NJ-based outfit called Padverb.

How do I send you my feedback/questions/etc?

Just email support@.