The notion of social media: is it possible to isolate oneself from it for at least 1 day?

This is my first gromco note, I mean, if we don’t take into account that this is my third try though. But whatever, so yeah.
We’ve discussed the notion of social media and its influence on our life, on our society. And I’d like to say that I’ve tried this, you know, thing when you isolate yourself from the social media and you try to spend a day-off, so to say. This didn’t go well. I mean, this didn’t just go the way I expected it. It’s fine.
I still couldn’t, you know, isolate myself completely. I had to call my mum, I had to check some work-related stuff. You can’t do this, because you, students, tend to, sort of, notify me that you’re not going to have a lesson. So, I have to check telegram at least once a day. What I’ve noticed is that that was a real moment of clarity. Like my head had never been this clear as it was that day. No thoughts, no stupid memes, no stupid, catchy songs playing there. I was actually so happy in that moment because I could do whatever I wanted. The thing is that I’ve noticed is that there were so-so many things that were really for me to do, I just didn’t know where to start from, that was difficult. Though the most productive day of all my week-days.
And, what I wanted to say is that I will definitely try this thing one more time later, and I will be actually incorporating that. And, you know, I want to tailor such a habit into my life because I believe we shouldn’t overuse social media and rely on it too much, especially in this age of information, it’s just overwhelming, you can’t keep up with it, it’s impossible.
So, the question for you is: “Have you ever tried this technique?”, and if you have, what is your experience on that? Especially, I would like to know to what extent you could, you know, limit yourself.
If you haven’t tried it yet, would you like to? If yes – I hope it’s a “yes” here, - yeah, I’d be so grateful to hear from you later on in the same section, I would like to know about your experience, what you could do, how you felt, what you did during that day, and especially “what was the most difficult thing in doing this?”, because for me it was so tempting.
On that day, I was watching YouTube videos for education purposes, I was learning some stuff, and it was so difficult for me not to go into the comment section and not to read them because all those people, I just was so curious whether people had the same thoughts. Yeah, so. That’s it, I guess. This will be just a small note (it’s almost 5 minutes now, not that small, I guess). Share your thoughts in the same section what you think about such practices, when you try it, I would like to ask you to share some notes later on as well, in the same thread.
So, yeah. That’s it, I think. Let me listen to it now. I hope that my microphone is not that bad. See you!
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