English Moment: Yuriy Bashenker t.me/SSE_official

04/Feb/2024 18:14:45 • Audio • 07:30

Into what? Into a podcast? Are we going to use the microphone? Here is the microphone. Hello, guys. It is our next episode. It is very short. Was the previous one in Russian, by the way? Yes, the first one was in Russian, but there is possibility to create topics in Russian, in Spanish, in English. No Spanish for me, though. Yes, there is I don't know how much people that speak in English here on this platform, but I think Hopefully, as many as possible. Sorry about As many as possible. It is new, so let's test it. Yes, just go ahead and ask your questions. Look, all right, if we are doing this podcast, my name is Yuri. Yuri? Yes, my name is Yuri. Also, my name is Yuri. I mean, yes, such a coincidence. Greetings, Yuri. My name is Yuri. Just go ahead and ask your questions because since I haven't prepared, I just came to the bar to prepare for the VR event that I am organizing. On the 11th of February, by the way, in Failover Bar, please come, but keep in mind there are tickets and there is limited amount of those tickets. Actually, your questions. Yuri started show such activity and asked him what he will do right now. Maybe he will use projector and start an event right now. Yuri said that he would like to launch VR game with bombing inside it. Something like that. I mean, it's totally legal bombing, by the way, because it's virtual bombing. Yeah, yeah, sure. Look, the idea is pretty simple. What you do, you put on a VR headset on yourself and you end up being inside of the virtual reality. And what you see there, you see a desk and there is a device on the desk. That device is a bomb. So your time is limited. There is a timer and you have to disarm it. You have to defuse it. You need to do something, cut some wires, remove some batteries and press some buttons in order to turn off the device. There is a pickle, though. There is a problem. There is an issue. That issue is that you have no idea what to do. You have no idea how to defuse this bomb. But there are some experts. Those experts are your friends. They are your team, the other guys who are inside of the real reality. They are just in the bar. And they have a little book, a little manual with, I would say, 20 pages or about so. Not that long, but that book, that manual, explains you what to do. Like, if you see, let's say, two digits on the bomb, you cut the red wire. If you see two batteries on the bomb, you cut the blue wire. You need to communicate in English in order to defuse the bomb. This is the whole idea. We are organizing a party. We are inviting some friends, selling the tickets. Very interesting idea. How much experience with your friends? You said about the experts in this reality. The experts is your team. There is a team of three people. They are the participants of the events who have bought the tickets. Right? You need to talk. You need to explain what you see. But your team, they don't see the bomb. They see nothing. You need to describe it. You need to say, this is a big bomb with two batteries. The guys are going to read the manual and defuse it, help you. If you are successful in your communication, if you communicate well and fast enough, this is generally not that hard, but I am going to provide some supplementary helping materials, some guides. Basically, we are going to learn so it's going to be not that difficult. It's going to be pretty easy. Barely an inconvenience, right? Also, you can find all the details in SEEofficial. It's S-E-E and the word official. You can look it up on Telegram and find a related post where I actually made a video announcement for you guys. You can just join us. Guys, I will pin your Instagram. It's actually Telegram. Instagram is not ready yet. Telegram is... Okay, your Telegram. Telegram is my primary platform right now, but I am going to try to keep the Instagram up as well. Right now, it's primarily Telegram, please, guys. I have some lessons as well. I teach lessons, individual lessons, group lessons, mini group lessons, that kind of stuff. What to write? You are referring to my official Telegram channel. Is that correct? It's basically S-E-E. S-E-E. And then official. Underscore official. S-E-E underscore official. There's bound to be a post on why it's called that, because there is a story, actually. A story to tell. But currently, I'm doing whatever I can. Just virtual reality stuff. By the way, thanks, Yuri, for providing me with this opportunity. This is a new... In all honesty, this is a new thing for me. A new thing that I'm doing right now. I definitely need some practice in doing that, but it's been a great honor and a great pleasure in doing so. Vlad Borisov and his friend Vlad, they're making this Gromka.com audio blogging platform. Before they're making podcast platform to find guests, to find shows. Send me the link. I like it very much, because I would like to hear that. Yeah, think loud. Think loud. It is the motto. Think loud, guys. Think loud. Don't forget that. Keep it in mind, and I will see you around. Yeah.

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Incorrect link, the name of the channel is SEE official

